Sonntag, 6. März 2011

Kochhaus Berlin, Schöneberg

On saturday I had to go to Deko Behrendt in Berlin, Schöneberg, to buy a costume for a carnival party. After standing in line at the shop and struggling with crowd in the shop I had to get a coffee and a little break. Kochhaus was just around the corner. I already saw it on the way to the costume shop and was curious for its offers.

Kochhaus is not sorting their products by category, but by dish! Hence, you don't have to buy a full package of mushrooms, tomatos but just as many as you need for the dish! Isn't that cool?

My girlfriend wasn't the biggest fan of the idea after telling her about the shop, but I'll take her along anyways to buy one of those great pasta dishes for us two :)

Excuse the picture quality, I didn't have my Nikon with me, so I just used my iPhone (yes it's not a iPhone 4 yet).




See some more pictures HERE after the jump!


Finishing with a good coffe latte and bio fruit cookie!


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