My brother loved this idea so much, he decided to build his own unique drawer cabinet by scrap.
Living in Darmstadt made it easy to assemble beautiful vintage drawers in the streets in a short time. In a weeks time he had all the drawers together and began building.
Its so easy to gather old drawers in Darmstadt since the people put their old furniture out in the street,early before they are supposed to be picked up by the garbage collection. Mostly, one of the over 30.000 students picks it up to take it to his dorm to add it to their random furniture collection.
Anyway, my brother just needed to think of the dimensions and of how to arrange the drawers to begin.
It came out so nice I cant hold it back from you.
My brother is happy about every share as much as I am!
If you have any questions for my brother or want to see some more pictures regarding the cabinet, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact sheet in the menu on top of the site.
This is what you'll need for an unique DIY vintage drawe cabinet like this:
Of course you'll need tools as
+a hammer
+some nails
+wood glue
+some old drawers or cabinet doors
+wooden anchors
+metal angles
+power drill
(+anything fancy you want to add like the bamboo grill he placed in the sides to secure a good air flow inside the cabinet plus for the good look)
Before building you need to get a hold of some old drawers or cabinet doors or both. You should design your whole cabinet around those main design details.
Go and buy the wood plus all the rest you need.
A very important step is to calculate all the cuts you have to make in the wood very carefully to achieve a smooth outline with no wood part standing out.
You also have to place wood strips inside the cabinet as a guidance for the drawers and to install the metal angles for the cabinet doors.
Therefore, he didnt use any nails on any visible place. Wood anchors with wood glue hold the side walls of the cabinet together.
All in all it took him one week to build this cabinet and I think he can be very proud of himself. I am proud of you and envious I dont have enough room for something like this in my place.
More DIY projects to come from Steffen right from Darmstadt and also from myself, from Berlin.
your brother is a genius!!
AntwortenLöschenthat he is :) its a beautiful piece!!!
AntwortenLöschenWhat an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!
AntwortenLöschencabinet doors
Fantastic! I have 12 old drawers sitting in the garage!
AntwortenLöschenthx for all those words describing your delight :)
@holly: thank you holly :) if you dont find the time to assemble your own drawer send some spare drawers to germany ;) if you happen to build your own DIY drawer cabinet I'd love to see some pictures! all the best,